We have all experienced someone blowing up on us, often over the smallest issue. While there are a number of reasons for people losing their cool, erupting, and sometimes turning violent, the one I want to talk about today has to do with stress. I often find that when others explode over something small, it is because they have a lot of stress in their lives. Here stress refers to either (1) situations where we think we can't do all that we have to do in the time we have or (2) people who take themselves too seriously.
In the first instance, we have taken on too much. The combination of tasks we are supposed to tackle overwhelm us. Now someone comes along and makes a demand or says something upsetting, and we explode! In this case, we need to reduce the stress in our lives. Every so often, we should ask ourselves, am I happy now? If not, why not? What would we like to change in our environment to make it more enjoyable? What can I do to help cope with all the demands?
A lot of advice is available for managing stress. Learning to say "no," getting better organized, changing our work habits, living a more balanced life so there is time for exercise, rest/sleep, and relation. Taking time out or time off, throwing a party for friends, or doing something you know you can succeed at helps you feel better. Most books on stress list a variety of ways you can "lighten the load" on yourself, reduce the stress in your life, and live a less harried existence.
In the second case, people ask too much of themselves, turn play or vacations into work. You find them irritable, depressed, easily upset, or difficult to get along with. They need to cut themselves more slack. They need to separate work from play and strive to make time for both. They need to make their time at work more enjoyable. Finally, they need to appreciate the fact that bad times help us to better appreciate the good times.
Sayings I have found useful/true: "Never say Never..." "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"..."Easy come, easy go"...'What will be will be..." "There's many other fish in the sea"..."If the shoe fits, wear it." Remembering sayings like these may help you become a person who is more fun to be around.
How do you explain the fact that an event can produce stress in one person and not in another? Of course we are brought up differently, so we look at the world differently from others. However, that means there are different ways to see the world if we would just try. I may think positively about certain events, while you think negatively about them. I invite you to change your view, if that helps reduce the stress in your life. (Photo by MissMaisy)
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